
This website was designed to enable interested visitors to participate in the vast database that was assembled during my research. You are kindly invited to comment on the data and eventually provide additional information.
The website contains more than 700 items on all kinds of hospitals, varying from military and public to private and company hospitals. The data on each individual hospital contain description, images and place of establishment. The structure is divided into general hospitals and specialized hospitals, each with a subdivision.

To gain access to the contents, make use of the next headings:

About provides information about the designer: his personal information, contact and publications.
Maps produces a number of specific Google maps that allows the reader to find the location of a hospital that is subject of his or her interest.
Book is the e-publication of my book that can be consulted on this site
Patients of the Colonial State provides information on 5 periods:
. The VOC-period and its hospitals
. The 19th century and its hospitals (mostly military)
. The period 1890-1910 and the start of a new type of hospitals
. The period 1910-1930 and the successful expansion of private hospitals
. The period 1910-1940 and the decentralization of public hospitals
. The period after 1945, the independence

General Hospitals provides information on military hospitals, on public hospitals, charity hospitals and company hospitals
Specialized Hospitals provides information on leprosy institutions, on hospitals to treat venereal diseases, psychiatry hospitals, eye hospitals, beriberi hospitals, sanatoria, maternity clinics, health resorts and other specialized health institutions.

Actual is a recently added paragraph that provides information on the situation of hospitals today. Public and private hospitals are followed by using their websites, together with information of the Ministry of Health of Indonesia (Kemkes) on registered hospitals (KARS)

I am proud to present this source of information to each one who is interested in the history of health institutions in Indonesia.